Sharon Housing Partnership

March 5, 2008   Meeting Minutes (Approved May 7, 2008)


In attendance:  Jane Desberg, Susan Saunders, Lou Modestino


SHP welcomes newest member, Lou Modestino.


Postponed approval of February 6, 2008 minutes


Meeting minutes


Upcoming meetings

Board of Selectmen on March 18th

Historical Commission Hearing on 111 Pond Street on March 26th


Local preference revision

Jane Desberg reported that during the Department of Housing and Community Development review of the Avalon Sharon Affordable Housing Market Plan, the Sharon local preference:  Any individual who is over age 55 or older and had lived in the town of Sharon was deemed in conflict with fair housing laws because of the age specification.  After conversations with Avalon Sharon staff and attorney and town counsel, the decision was made to delete it in its entirety.


Local preference proposal for an Affordable Housing Lottery


Avalon Sharon

The open enrollment for the Affordable Housing Lottery will close on March 27, 2008.   To date over 100 applications have been distributed.  If all 39 units are not filled, after doing the initial lottery, Avalon will continue to accept applications for the affordable program until the apartments are filled.  The rents are as follows: 1 bedroom: $1,008 and 2 bedroom: $1,198.


Avalon Sharon has a buildable parcel of land next to the emergency access road off Edgehill Road.  Jane Desberg has spoken to Scott Dale (VP-Development) of Avalon Bay and expressed the SHP interest in building affordable homeownership units on this land.  Avalon’s intention is to sell the land.  At the March 18th meeting, the SHP will ask the Board of Selectmen to contact Avalon Bay and urge them to consider donating the land to the Sharon Affordable Housing Trust.



Wilber School

The SHP has sent a letter to the Historical Commission in support of Beacon Properties application for historic tax credits

Simpson Properties

No news following ZBA denial of Chapter 40B application.


Sharon Commons

At the March 18th meeting, the SHP will ask the Board of Selectmen to advocate on its behalf and contact Intoccia to consider donating 6-8 acres for development of homeownership affordable housing.


Old Business

Mary Tobin’s presentation to the Zoning Board of Appeals was well received and created awareness of the SHP’s role in the affordable housing application process.

Alan Lury and Susan Saunders made a compelling presentation to the Horizons for Youth Reuse Committee.  They asked the committee to consider reserving 6-8 acres of the property for affordable homeownership.


New Business

The 2nd Annual Housing Institute will be held on  June 12-13th at Babson College.  SHP are members encouraged to attend.